Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Baby stuff

As d-day is coming to a close, I have been shifting my attention  to items that I will be using when the babies are here. I had my eye on this Marc Jacobs bag from Nordstrom.com ( but with a different design) for my diaper bag but but it costs the same as a new ipod so I was second guessing if its really worth it.

 A good friend said just think its a "push" gift to yourself. So I have been dilly dallying on purchasing this bag, hoping I will find something cheaper. Just when I decided to get it, the design I want is no longer in stock. Marc Jacobs is not for me.

But just this afternoon, Kate Spade NY had a surprise sale and I got a bargain of a deal. 75% off baby!! I have a designer baby bag which costs me less than $150. wowza. I would have wanted a colorful one but this zebra print baby bag is just so uptown chic. here it is

I'm so excited.. though I will not be able to strut the bag in 3-4 months time, at least I didn't end up having Disney-imprinted bag.

Speaking of baby stuff, Beyonce's Blue Ivy rumor mill has been churning out outrageous news about the baby's expensive taste. There was even a poll on the radio about their 6 nannies. But then again, they are rolling in dough, who are we to judge?

As I googled baby "best" stuff to buy for babies ( coz i do research like that :)) I stumbled on expensive baby items. These are stuff that I would get if I have Beyonce's moolah. A "mum" can dream.

 Watch the vid. nuff said.

2. Mamaroo bouncer

   This is really a combination of a bouncer and a swing. So rad.

3. Vetro Crib

   It was said Beyonce purchased this for her baby..

but, rumor mill has it that she got this crib instead Blue Ivy's crib.

4. Gucci baby carrier and diaper bag.
    One word. GUCCI.


 5. Bugaboo Donkey Duo

Friday, 3 February 2012

Things I learned from being pregnant

At 36w+5d, I can say I am so lucky. Few more days, my babies will reach full-term-- something that I've been praying night and day. As I am almost done with this pregnancy, I will miss it. The mere fact that it's easy to take care of them when they are inside the belly :)

Pregnancy is one long journey one has to go through except if you go to the moon and back. For nine months, I've come to terms with my womanhood. echos ^_^. So here are some of my thoughts about my own pregnancy. 

1. There is only one thing you could never be prepared for in life -- having twins!
    True to the core. Ask any mother of twins and/or multiples, they were all shocked to see two heads on the ultrasound monitor. Despite the fact that Kevin told me her mom is a twin, I was least expecting it. But surprise surprise. Double blessings.

2.  Stretch marks are genetics.
     No amount of Palmer's butter will prevent one from having stretch marks b/coz it is largely determined by genetic factors. Some are just blessed to have very beautiful bellies, others like me can just suck it up. haha. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I bought that tummy butter even before any "noticeable" bump appeared. But then again, the fine print of these butters/lotions/oils say that it will "help" in the appearance of stretch marks. It didn't really promise "disappearance". Oh well, I'm not Miranda Kerr or Giselle Bundchen. My future career does not depend on how my belly look like after birth ( sweet lemoning?! ).

3. Pillows are (pregnant) woman's bestfriend.
    I am not discounting diamonds and Tiffany's but maaaan, life is so much easier with a lot of pillows while pregnant. I can barely see my husband in bed because I have to build by "nest" before I lay down to sleep. 

4. Water is my new Coke.
    Pre-pregnancy, I drank Coke like its water. I'm so addicted to it that it was one of my main concerns ( along with coffee) when I got pregnant. Miracles do happen. Now, I drink almost a gallon a day of what used to be a tasteless liquid. Water is my saving grace, it keeps contractions at bay. Although I have to go to the toilet almost 6 times after midnight. 

5. Pregnancy brain exists.
    Not for everyone, but I have it. Well, I know I am forgetful and clumsy but it just soared astronomically since my second trimester. This caused a lot of rift with husband especially at home. Recently, I made coffee at work without water. WTF right? All to blame to the increased progesterone floating around my body or may be because my brain is so busy telling me to pee that it stops telling other things. This is so ironic since I work in a brain injury association, I feel like I have temporary brain injury too.

6. Emotions are hormonal.
    If your heart is somewhere else before pregnancy, this time you will wear it in your sleeve all the time. I've always said before: emotions are irrational and we should not believe it. Oh boy, during pregnancy it is hormonal! I cried for no apparent reasons. I wasnt even watching the Notebook! As if bigger belly and favorite pants that no longer fit weren't enough, I had uncontrollable water works. I reacted to everything and anything, damn raging pregnancy hormones.

7. Fatigue is my middle name.
    Thank God I didn't have nasty nausea and morning sickness in my first trimester. I was lucky not to have any cravings too. I thought geez, this pregnancy is amazing, I manage to skip those things. But then fatigue set in. I am always tired. Tired of even being tired. I've always made a list of things to do but lately, I haven't done anything. I feel so exhausted even if I am not doing anything. Its as if I've run a marathon kinda tired. 

8. Eat what you want, in moderation.
    Hear this. People will say the sweetest and dumbest things when you are pregnant. But listen to your guts, every pregnancy is different. I've been told so many times of things to eat and whatnots but it boils down to what you want. The key is moderation.

Disclaimer: I have a lot more things to say but obvs pregnancy brain kicked in, so these are just the things I remember. As of this writing, OB clinic phoned me and asking my whereabouts because surprise surprise, I forgot my fetal assessment appointment!