I haven't heard from her since then. But just the other day, mum in law phoned me saying she went into labour and gave birth 4 months early! The babies are lil over 2 lbs and will be staying in the NICU till April. Maaaan, I was agaped but at the same time I felt so lucky to make it to 35 weeks. For mummies carrying twins, majoirity will go into labour before their full-term. What with two babies inside the belly, there's not so much room for them to move! My OB was even surprised that I was still working at 35 weeks.
So last Friday, I filed for mat leave. I am on my 36th week gestation. If I get lucky, next week my babies are in full-term. I'm hoping and praying they will stay longer. Just one more week. Even if getting a good night's sleep is next to impossible.
my linea negra looks like a prime meridian.lol |