Friday, 2 November 2012


HELP, i need somebody
HELP, not just anybody
HELP, you know I need someone, HELP!

Raising a baby alone is a big challenge, raising twins is like climbing Mount Everest with one limb. And this is not a hyperbole, this is my reality.

I remember Kevin used to say, "how hard can it be?". Yah, he ate his words because it is friggin H A R D. No matter how much you try to control your emotions, sometimes, you will lose it. I LOST IT several times. Not my proud moments. I felt so guilty afterwards but I have to accept that human as I am, I have my flaws. 

In the weeks following childbirth, I doubt if any parents will feel amorous towards each other.It is pretty understandable, that as new parents, we don't have the time, stamina and interest for any expression of love. What used to be conversations about each other's interests now centers on the babies' poop! 

New role as parents take its toll on our marriage. It is not just physically tiring but psychologically tiring too. And the fact that babies are the main priority, sometimes, our own wellbeing has to take a backseat. True to what old people say, kids make the relationship very challenging but at the same time it makes it more meaningful.

This may sound very cliche but life with kids is worth all the sleepless nights. Someone has to do the job, a thankless job that will take a long long long time for the reward. Sure, a smile can melt your heart but it takes a lot of fussy period to get those toothless grin.

Whenever I feel like my hands are full, I will just psych myself up that it's way better than being empty. Count my blessings.

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