Wednesday, 15 August 2012


After 4 days of being home, we received a call from the hospital that Sophia was good to go. I was so happy but at the same time I was worried on how to handle the twins. We thought she would stay at NICU for a week or two but she must've wanted to be home too. :)

February 22, Wednesday. 
We fetched Sophia from NICU. I was still weak, not strong enough to carry the carseats, so Kevin had to carry both. We got the oohhs and ahhs that came with having twins. People would always comment how blessed we are. But half the time they would also say its a lot of work. I cant discount the latter. Having one baby would already turn your life around, WHAT MORE With two.

I didn't dwell so much on the hardwork. Its given. I was more concerned on kevin and I not killing each other in the process. We all know marriage takes a different turn when children come along. There should be a constant reminder to each other not to get wrapped up in our new role as parents. After all, we are still husband and wife on top of being parents. Not an easy feat, parenthood makes marriage a lot harder-- like constantly being in a race sans a finish line. But this is what we signed up for. As they say, if you are going through hell, just keep on moving. 

With Sophia at home, we are complete. The real adventure is about to start.

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