Two days after we got home with Emma, I was still so weak. While we were still in the hospital, my prognosis was good that I was able to walk 24 hours post-surgery.
Waiting in the emergency was like watching grass grow or paint to dry. Time went so slow, and we had a 4-day old baby with us. A
The following day, I was assigned with a new nurse, this time not as cheeky as the previous one. She checked on me and said that I need to go to emergency again ( WHAT?!). I told her the trouble I had to go through just to get a gauze pad but she had some clout in the hospital and had me admitted at the OB triage. I sprinted my way to the hospital and 3 doctors drained the effin blood clot from my stitches and sent me home. It almost threw me. I thought I had to be restitched again.
I kept on telling myself to be strong. I had to. I had no choice. It's not that I was careless, reckless ( insert synonyms), I was just "active" because I had to. The laundry will not wash on itself.
And I remember growing up, I had all the help I could possibly get. We were not rich but we had nanny and maid. It wasn't that difficult for my parents. As a working adult, I had students living with me. They helped me in so many ways. I was very dependent. VERY. My mom's worried about me because she knows I'm the sloth in the family........and the irony of life, I'm raising twins in a first world country where having a maid is a luxury.
Kevin kept on saying how proud he is of me. But there's nothing to be proud of, I'm on i-cant-believe-i-can-do-this mentality. I guess what it all boils down to is adaptation-- basic need for survival. Live and learn is the name of the game. And everyday it's not just learning about motherhood but learning about myself too
Overdued...but can I get an Amen?